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Best Andrologist in Kolkata

In the bustling city of Kolkata, individuals seeking specialized care for male reproductive health often find themselves in search of the best andrologist. Recognizing the importance of expert guidance in this domain, it becomes crucial to identify reputable professionals who can address concerns with precision and empathy. This article aims to explore the landscape of andrology in Kolkata, highlighting esteemed practitioners and shedding light on pertinent questions surrounding this field.

Andrologist in Apollo Kolkata:

Among the prominent healthcare institutions in Kolkata, Apollo Hospitals stands as a beacon of excellence. With a commitment to delivering comprehensive care, Apollo Kolkata houses proficient andrologists who cater to diverse needs. Patients can expect state-of-the-art facilities coupled with compassionate guidance, making Apollo Kolkata a preferred choice for those seeking top-notch andrological services.

Apollo Gleneagles Hospitals Kolkata is renowned for its world-class healthcare services, and its urology department is no exception. Dr. Subrata Das, along with a team of experienced urologists, offers cutting-edge treatments for various urological conditions at Apollo Hospital. The hospital’s state-of-the-art facilities and patient-centered approach make it a preferred choice for individuals seeking urological care in Kolkata.

Andrologist Doctor in Kolkata:

Dr. Nilanjan Mitra is widely regarded as the foremost urologist in Kolkata. With extensive experience spanning over two decades, Dr. Nilanjan Mitra has established himself as a leading figure in the field of urology. His commitment to delivering personalized care and staying updated with the latest advancements in urological treatments has earned him respect and admiration from both patients and peers alike. Dr. Nilanjan Mitra. With an impeccable track record and years of experience under his belt, Dr. Nilanjan Mitra has earned a reputation as the most famous urologist in the region. Dr. Nilanjan Mitra expertise lies in diagnosing and treating various urinary tract disorders, kidney diseases, prostate problems, and other conditions related to the male reproductive system. Patients from all over West Bengal seek his guidance and treatment for their urological concerns. What sets Dr. Nilanjan Mitra apart is not just his knowledge and skill but also his compassionate approach towards patient care. He takes the time to listen to each patient’s concerns and provides personalized treatment plans tailored to their specific needs.

Best Urologist and Andrologist in Kolkata:

While urologists primarily focus on the urinary system, including kidneys, bladder, and urethra, andrologists specialize in male reproductive health. In Kolkata, the convergence of these two fields is evident in practitioners who excel in both domains. The best urologist and andrologist in the city possess a holistic understanding of male urological and reproductive disorders, offering integrated care for enhanced patient outcomes. Dr. Nilanjan Mitra. With an impeccable track record and years of experience under his belt, Dr. Nilanjan Mitra has earned a reputation as the most famous urologist in the region. Dr. Nilanjan Mitra expertise lies in diagnosing and treating various urinary tract disorders, kidney diseases, prostate problems, and other conditions related to the male reproductive system. Patients from all over West Bengal seek his guidance and treatment for their urological concerns. What sets Dr. Nilanjan Mitra apart is not just his knowledge and skill but also his compassionate approach towards patient care.

He takes the time to listen to each patient’s concerns and provides personalized treatment plans tailored to their specific needs.

Andrologist Meaning:

Andrology, derived from the Greek words “andr” (man) and “logos” (study), pertains to the medical specialty focused on male reproductive health. Andrologists are physicians with specialized training in diagnosing and treating conditions affecting the male reproductive system, encompassing issues related to fertility, sexual function, and hormonal balance.

What Does an Andrologist Treat?

Andrologists diagnose and treat a wide array of conditions affecting male reproductive health. These may include:

  • Infertility: Addressing issues such as low sperm count, poor sperm motility, and erectile dysfunction that contribute to male infertility.
  • Erectile Dysfunction (ED): Providing solutions for difficulties in achieving or maintaining an erection, which can stem from physical or psychological factors.
  • Hypogonadism: Managing conditions characterized by insufficient testosterone production, which can impact sexual function and overall well-being.
  • Varicocele: Treating the enlargement of veins within the scrotum, which may affect sperm quality and fertility.
  • Peyronie’s Disease: Offering interventions for the curvature of the penis, often accompanied by pain or erectile dysfunction.

Is Andrologist and Urologist the Same?

While both andrologists and urologists deal with aspects of male reproductive health, they differ in their scope of practice. Andrologists specialize specifically in male reproductive issues, whereas urologists have a broader focus that includes the urinary tract in both males and females. However, there is overlap between the two specialties, particularly concerning conditions like erectile dysfunction and infertility.

What Is the Difference Between a Sexologist and an Andrologist?

Sexologists and andrologists serve distinct roles in addressing sexual health concerns. Andrologists focus on diagnosing and treating medical conditions related to male reproductive organs and functions. In contrast, sexologists, often psychologists or therapists, specialize in addressing psychological and relational aspects of sexual health, including intimacy issues and sexual dysfunctions arising from psychological factors.

What Happens at an Andrology Clinic?

At an andrology clinic, patients receive specialized care tailored to their reproductive health needs. The clinic offers comprehensive evaluations, including medical history reviews, physical examinations, and diagnostic tests such as semen analysis and hormone assessments. Based on the findings, the andrologist devises a personalized treatment plan, which may include medication, lifestyle modifications, or surgical interventions.

Can a Urologist Treat Erectile Dysfunction?

Yes, urologists are well-equipped to diagnose and treat erectile dysfunction. Given their expertise in male urological health, urologists possess the necessary knowledge to address both physiological and psychological factors contributing to ED. Treatment modalities may include oral medications, penile injections, vacuum erection devices, or surgical options, depending on the underlying cause and patient preferences.

What Are Andrology Tests?

Andrology tests encompass a variety of diagnostic evaluations aimed at assessing various aspects of male reproductive health. These tests play a crucial role in identifying underlying causes of infertility, sexual dysfunction, hormonal imbalances, and other reproductive issues. Here are some common andrology tests:

  • Semen Analysis: Semen analysis is perhaps the most fundamental test in andrology. It involves examining a semen sample to evaluate sperm count, sperm motility (ability to move), sperm morphology (shape and size of sperm), and other parameters such as volume and pH level. Semen analysis provides valuable insights into a man’s fertility potential and can help diagnose conditions such as oligospermia (low sperm count), asthenospermia (poor sperm motility), and teratospermia (abnormal sperm morphology).
  • Hormone Tests: Hormonal imbalances can significantly affect male reproductive health. Andrology tests often include blood tests to measure hormone levels, including testosterone, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), and prolactin. Abnormal hormone levels may indicate conditions such as hypogonadism (low testosterone), which can impact fertility, sexual function, and overall well-being.
  • Genetic Testing: Genetic testing may be recommended in cases where there is a suspected genetic cause of infertility or other reproductive issues. Genetic tests can identify chromosomal abnormalities, gene mutations, or genetic disorders that may affect sperm production, sperm quality, or reproductive organ development.
  • Imaging Studies: Imaging techniques such as ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or computed tomography (CT) scans may be used to visualize the male reproductive organs and identify structural abnormalities. Imaging studies can help diagnose conditions such as varicocele (enlarged veins in the scrotum), hydrocele (fluid buildup in the scrotum), or congenital abnormalities of the reproductive tract.
  • Erectile Function Tests: Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common concern affecting male sexual health. Andrology tests may include evaluations to assess penile blood flow and erectile function. These tests may involve measuring penile blood pressure, conducting penile Doppler ultrasound, or using other techniques to assess the vascular and neurological components of erectile function.
  • Sperm DNA Fragmentation Analysis: Sperm DNA fragmentation refers to damage to the genetic material within sperm cells, which can affect fertility and increase the risk of miscarriage. Sperm DNA fragmentation analysis is a specialized test that evaluates the integrity of sperm DNA and can provide valuable information about fertility potential and the likelihood of successful conception.
  • Post-Ejaculatory Urinalysis: In some cases of infertility or ejaculatory dysfunction, a post-ejaculatory urinalysis may be performed to assess whether sperm are present in the urine after ejaculation. Retrograde ejaculation, a condition where semen enters the bladder instead of being expelled through the urethra, can cause infertility and may be diagnosed through this test.


Q: Can Lifestyle Factors affect Male Fertility?

A: Yes, factors such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, obesity, and stress can negatively impact male fertility.

Q: Are there Non-Surgical Treatments for Varicocele?

A: Yes, options like embolization or sclerotherapy may be recommended to manage varicocele without surgery.

Q: What age Range Should Undergo Regular Prostate Screenings?

A: Men aged 50 and older, or those with risk factors, should discuss prostate cancer screening with their healthcare provider.


In Kolkata, access to proficient andrological care is essential for addressing the diverse needs of male reproductive health. Through the expertise of esteemed practitioners and state-of-the-art facilities, individuals can navigate concerns related to fertility, sexual function, and hormonal balance with confidence. Whether seeking assistance for infertility, erectile dysfunction, or other reproductive issues, consulting with a reputable andrologist ensures personalized care and optimal outcomes.

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